










Hold your event with us

Hold your fundraising event at Western Downs Cinemas! Book using the form below!

Chinchilla Theatrical Hire Application Form

Fees & Charges 2024-25 Chinchilla Cinema

Smarty Grants Donations Program

At Western Downs Cinemas, we love to support our local community groups, clubs and associations. Whether you’re hosting a movie screening, planning a raffle or hosting a community event, apply now for a donation of two WD Cinemas movie passes to help you reach your fundraising goals.

Read the WD Cinema Donation Program Guidelines here

Visit the Smarty Grants website here to apply online today

The Cinema Donations Program is open to organisations and individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Organisations based within the boundaries of Western Downs Regional Council or where the event is being held within boundaries of the Western Downs Regional Council area
  • Organisations that are community based, non-profit and provide services and activities of benefit to the region
  • Individuals who are full time residents of the Western Downs Regional Council area who can demonstrate that the event is in the public interest.

Chinchilla Cinema